
An Arc is a singular chapter within a Campaign that focuses on specifics about a theme, group, individual, object or place that are connected and where the most apparent looming conflict comes from. Arcs consist of multiple Episodes following a singular thread that needs tying off. Sometimes multiple Arcs may take place at the same time as multiple threads become undone in the progression of the game.

Arcs are much like the Three Act Structure in a screenplay. They determine the beginning, middle and end stages and give storytellers in Echelon a reference to knowing how close to, or far into you have progressed in each. In this section, the approach changes to the Bottom Up method of worldbuilding and storytelling to create milestones within the story. This means that we start with each Story Phase, and work our way through to the end and fill out relevant details as they arise in the story’s outline.

Continuing the example of Echelon Meta Lore, Arc details may look like:

Arc 1

The player group must first learn about the Font of Arcanum

     Find an Ally in a teacher/mentor and pass test/complete quest

     Discover a lead on an Arcanum relic

     Adversaries become aware of their efforts

Arc 2

Adversaries gain the upper hand and players must even odds

     Adversaries announce themselves publicly without direct conflict

     Allies become harassed by the Adversaries and the Adversaries take something important

     Players must choose, defend their Allies or advance to their Goal

Arc 3

Players must find and use the Arcanum relic

     Players learn of the Arcanum relic’s true powers

     May use relic against the Adversaries

     Super climactic boss fight?