
Figures of a church, proselytizers of Divinus, or devouts of the Venerate. Disciples are a self selected few who place the virtues of the Venerate Realm above all. They serve as guides for the faithful and unfaithful alike or executors of the divine wills. With their will and resolve, Disciples prove themselves in their capability to survive the stress of adventuring.

Core Stats and Skills

During Character Creation the Disciple is restricted to advancing the following Core Stats and Skills:

Core Stats


Skill Trainings

Coordination, Diplomacy, Negotiation,Craft, Expertise, Savvy, Resolve, Vigilance, Fitness

Class Abilities

The Disciple receives the following abilities when declaring the Disciple class as your Primary Class in Character Creation.

Disciple Starting Abilities

Class Paths

Disciple Class Paths

Abilities Cost Table