
Each Core Stat is supported by three skills that are an extension of competencies with a Core Stat attribute. A character advances Skills through training during the progression of a campaign. Skills are trained by earning EXP and can be advanced during a Training Scene.

Often, a Challenge will require that the target utilize a relevant Skill to determine how they respond to conflict. When a Skill is not prescribed by an Ability, Spell or other outlined rule, the Game Master determines a relevant Skill to use in the Challenge.

Skill Trainings


1.       Brawn- Imposing strength upon an inanimate object

2.      Contest - Imposing strength upon a creature

3.      Fitness -  Sustaining prolonged feats of athleticism


1.       Fleet - Exhibiting speed and/or grace in traversing obstacles

2.      Lithe - Exhibiting flexibility in escaping or avoiding danger

3.      Vigilance - Ability to respond to the unexpected or a surprise


•        Immune - One’s natural ability to fend off sickness, infections and curses

•        Resolve - One’s natural ability to fend off stress

•        Survival - One’s ability to withstand harsh elements or persevere


•        History - The recollection of knowledge about people, organizations, or information

•        Investigation - The active search for clues or understand concepts and ideas

•        Savvy - The ability to make good judgments about an objects workings


•        Craft - A demonstration of skills for the purposes of creating valuables or items

•        Deft - Exhibiting the ability to move quietly, unnoticed, and or cleverly

•        Expertise - A demonstration of skill with objects or items


•        Coordination - Ability to find a resource or access to a resource

•        Diplomacy - Ability to speak and/or act tactfully in social situations

•        Negotiation - An attempt to reach an agreement or compromise