Core Stats

There are six Core Stats that portray a character’s ability to perform with an attribute. Strength [STR],Agility [AGI], Vitality [VIT], Intelligence [INT], Dexterity [DEX], Charisma[CHA]. Core Stats may be progressed at level advancement and determine the base tiers for Skills. In Character Creation, when a Core Stat rises in Tier through Level advancement so does the base tier of the attributed Skills to that stat.After Character Creation is complete, Players must expend Experience Points to improve each stat individually. Core Stats are used when a character performs an Attack, Defense, and casts a spell or uses an ability with a special rule.

During Character Creation, a character may only train in the Core Stats and Skills prescribed by their class, regardless of what level they start. Each of the prescribed Stats and Skills are a highlight on the attributes that class excels in.

Core Stat Descriptions


A character’s Strength Tier is a measure of how physically strong that character is. A strength score determines base tier ratings for the Contest, Fitness, and Brawn skills. Strength scores also determines which equipment a character is competent with and at higher levels their expertise in all armor.

Strength Scores

1.     T1 STR =Unarmored / Unarmed

2.    T2 STR =Light Equipment

3.    T3 STR =Medium Equipment

4.    T4 STR =Heavy Equipment

5.    T5 STR =Equipment Rating Bonus [+1]


A character’s Agility Tier is a measure of how nimble that character is. An agility score determines base tier ratings for Lithe,Fleet, and Vigilance skills. Agility scores also determine the speed at which a character can move when using a Move Action. Each rank in Agility confers five feet of Movement Speed.

Movement Speed [1 Tier = 5ft movement]

1.     T1 = 20ft[Min]

2.    T2 = 25ft

3.    T3 = 30ft

4.    T4 = 30ft

5.    T5 = 35ft

6.    T6 = 40ft[Max]


A character’s Vitality Tier is a measure of how resilient that character is. A vitality score determines base tier ratings for Survival, Immune, and Savvy skills. Vitality also determines the total Hit Point value a character has, which is a representation of how much physical damage a character may sustain before succumbing to their wounds. Additionally,vitality also determines a character’s Recovery Rating, which is a representation of how well a character may recuperate during a Resting Scene.

Health Points

Health Point Totals are determined through a combination of a character's Vitality Tier plus relevant bonuses provided by abilities, buffs or equipment. Hit Points are a pool of points that reduce in total as Damage (DMG) is received. When a character falls to zero (0) Hit Points they succumb to their damages and become unconscious. The table below is a guide to determining Hit Point values.

•     T1 = 3

•     T2 = 5

•     T3 = 7

•     T4 = 9

•     T5 = 11

Physical Recovery Rating

A character's Physical Recovery Rating determines how well their bodies recover from the physical harms of adventuring. During a Resting Scene, a player may choose the option to recover Hit Points without the aid of a professional or otherwise trained healer.

The Physical Recovery Rating is determined by the VIT Tier rank. When you choose to recover Hit Points in a Resting Scene the character rolls the die associated to their VIT Tier to gain Hit Points equal to the total rolled divided by 2.


A character’s Intelligence Tier is a measure of how analytical that character is. An intelligence score determines base tier ratings for Resolve, Investigation, and History skills. Intelligence also determines a character’s total Stress Threshold, which is a representation of how much mental stress a character may sustain before falling unconscious.Additionally, intelligence also determines a character’s Respite Rating, which is a representation of how well a character may relieve stress during a Resting Scene.

Resolve Threshold

Resolve Threshold is determined through a combination of a character’s Intelligence Tier plus relevant bonuses provided by abilities, buffs or equipment. The Resolve Threshold is a pool of points that reduce to zero (0) as psychological stress (STRESS) occurs. When a character depletes their Stress Threshold they succumb to the mental stressors and become unconscious. The table below is a guide to determining Stress Thresholds.

•     T1 = 6

•     T2 = 10

•     T3 = 14

•     T4 = 18

•     T5 = 22

Mental Recovery Rating

A character's Mental Recovery Rating determines how well their minds recover from the psychological stressors of adventuring. During a Resting Scene, a player may choose the option to relieve their Stress Threshold without the aid of a consumable or otherwise de-stressing activity.

The Recovery Rating is determined by the INT Tier rank. When you choose to reduce your Stress Threshold in a Resting Scene the character rolls the die associated to their INT Tier and reduces their Stress Threshold equal to the total rolled.


A character’s Dexterity Tier is a measure of how industrious that character is. A dexterity score determines base tier ratings for Deft, Expertise, and Craft skills. Dexterity also determines a character’s ability to wield a tool set competently, as well as their capability to craft usable items with a tool set.

Crafting Tools

Throughout the campaign, players may find themselves far off from the nearest general store to procure necessary items for their journey or be in a general store and have difficulty finding the right item. In those cases, characters may attempt to craft an object on their own. More rules covered in the Crafting Mechanics section.


A character’s Charisma Tier is a measure of how much presence that character commands. A charisma score determines base tier ratings for Coordination, Diplomacy, and Negotiation skills. Charisma also determines the rating of a character’s relationship with NPCs and organizations.

Making Friends

Once per session when a player scores a success in a Challenge that includes Charisma against a non-hostile NPC target they may choose to improve their relationship with the target NPC. To improve relationships with the target NPC, roll a percentile die and add the max value of your Charisma Tier to the result (see example below). The result of the roll gets added to an accumulative pool. If the Challenge is unsuccessful, the reverse of the above is true and the result is subtracted from that accumulative pool. At a positive score of 100% the target NPC becomes an Ally. At a negative score of -100% the target becomes an Adversary. See rules for Allies and Adversaries.


This example assumes a percentile die roll of 60 and a Tier 4 Charisma roll of 9.

Attempt: 60 (percentile die) + 9 (d12) = 69%

Result: Failure

Advanced Gameplay: If the GM chooses, rather than discarding the result all together as a failure, the GM may total this pool across the duration of a campaign where Players can improve or reduce the relationship of Allies and Adversaries across multiple relationship levels.