Get Started

There’s no better way to learn than by doing. Whether you’re reading this book before your first session, or you’re trying to get to the playing part, for Players,Echelon starts with Character Creation. Game Masters, you’ll want to skip onto the Core Mechanics but should revisit Character Creation after you’ve grasped the Core Mechanics.


Welcome to Echelon, a realm where ancient lore and rich history converge to create a world of adventure and mystique. Explore the Mortal Realm, a diverse landscape inhabited by various civilizations and races, each with its unique customs,strengths, and mysteries. From the soaring human cities to the ethereal Paltharan forests, the deep caverns of the Grundoka, and beyond, Echelon is a world brimming with magical energies, ancient artifacts, and boundless possibilities for adventure. As players step into this realm, they find themselves in a world where their actions weave new threads into the ever-evolving narrative of Echelon, a world where every choice, every battle,and every discovery writes another chapter in this grand epic.  

The Universe

Echelon blends history, magic, and adventure. At the heart of Echelon's lore is the event known as the Separation of Planes. This event is the genesis of the world in which players embark on their journeys.

Originally,the universe of Echelon was a singular entity known as the Venerate Plane,crafted by ancient, powerful beings called the Unity. Within this plane, they created the Immortal Aspects, entities each embodying a facet of the Unity's characteristics and were given the task of shaping the universe. However,conflicts arose among them due to differing visions leading to a period of turmoil and war. In their conquest, Mortals were created by these Immortals as instruments in their cosmic struggles.

Seeing the plight of the Mortals and driven by a desire for true unity, Navash, a key deity in Echelon's pantheon, intervened. In a monumental act, Navash split the Venerate Plane into two separate realms: the Venerate Realm, where the Unity and Immortal Aspects reside, and the Mortal Realm, a sanctuary for mortals to thrive free from direct Immortal influence. This act, known as the Separation of Planes, freed the Mortal beings while also leading to the creation of humanity, beings with true free will and a blend of all aspects and characteristics of the Immortals.

This separation forms the backdrop of Echelon's world, where Players take on human characters to explore a realm rich with the remnants of ancient powers and the ongoing influence of the Immortal Aspects. The Mortal Realm, vibrant and ever-changing, is where Players embark on their quests, encountering diverse cultures, mysterious artifacts, and the echoes of a cosmic history that continues to shape the present. This fundamental division between the Venerate and Mortal Realms is key for players to fully immerse themselves in the intricate world of Echelon.

The Game

In Echelon, each gaming session, known as an "episode," significantly elevates the role of players, positioning them akin to directors in a grand narrative. This focus empowers Players to not only be responsible for controlling their characters but also for actively sculpting the storyline.They possess the creative license to alter plot developments, introduce dramatic twists, along with forge their characters' paths. This directorial power extends beyond mere decision-making; it involves visualizing and crafting vivid scenes that align with the overarching narrative. Each Player's contribution weaves into a tapestry of collective storytelling, where their ideas, choices, and imaginations breathe life into the world of Echelon.

The directorial role bestowed upon players in Echelon fosters a deeply collaborative and engaging environment. Players find themselves immersed in a narrative that is as much their creation as it is the game's setting. This shared responsibility in storytelling allows for a dynamic and fluid game experience, where the boundaries between player and narrator blur. It also ensures that everyone has an opportunity to play though the moments that are important to them. The game evolves into a co-created journey, where each Episode is shaped by the Players' aspirations, fears, and ambitions for their characters. The narrative fluidity ensures that no two sessions are alike, with each episode reflecting the unique flair and creativity of its players.

Emphasizing player agency in this way brings a rich depth to the Echelon experience. The players, as directors, are not just passive participants but active architects of the game's unfolding saga. Their decisions have tangible impacts on the world, creating a sense of weight and consequence to their actions. This heightened involvement generates a more immerse and emotionally engaging experience, as players are intimately connected to the world and its inhabitants. Through this approach, Echelon seeks to transcend the conventional role-playing framework, offering a uniquely participative and dynamic adventure where each player truly in control of their own epic story.